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Regenified was established in 2022 by trailblazers in regenerative agriculture. Our founders, Gabe Brown and Dr. Allen Williams, are recognised leaders in this vital movement, dedicated to transforming mainstream farming practices. You may have seen their journey featured in films such as Kiss the Ground, Common Ground, Carbon Cowboys, and Roots So Deep.


At Regenified, our mission is to safeguard the integrity of regenerative agriculture, ensuring it is much more than a fleeting trend. We honour and reward farmers committed to adopting ecosystem-restoring practices, as well as brands setting the standard for transparency andnregenerative sourcing. Our aim is to transition global supply chains to regenerative agriculture by offering the most trusted standards andmverification services. Our standards are approved by some of the largestmgrocery chains worldwide, and we actively verify large tracts of farmland producing a diverse range of crops, proteins, and produce.

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